Saturday, August 9, 2014

2008 Malbec from Argentina.

                                                                I'm just sayin'; 
 I'm biased and I know it. I've been favoring Argentinian wine for the past nine months, and I've realized that even if I happen to consume a wine that tastes like a freshly opened bottle of acetone and it's from Argentina I'm sure that my liver and I will find some way to enjoy it.
                                                              About the Winery
The Infinitus Winery is located at the latitude of 40 degrees in the Rio Negro Valley in Patagoni. This is the most southerly vineyard to be found in the Americas. After the grapes are harvested they are pressed with a hydraulic press and the juice is left in contact with the skin for 25 days. "Natural Yeast" is used to ferment the juice and turn it into wine.
                                                                   Just to clarify
There is nothing wrong with using the expression "Natural Yeast", but please if you are buying wine and that is on the label don't be fooled!! ALL YEAST IS NATURAL! It's a fungus! To my knowledge there is no way for a fungus to be unnatural. All that means is that there was no specific strain of yeast used to inoculate this wine.

                                                                    Tasting notes
This wine has a deep brickish hue and has rather thick legs.

On the nose there are notes of barnyard and stewed fruit. It also smells alcoholic in that nice nose hair burning way.

The palate has hints of stewed plums. It has a thick body, high levels of tannin, medium amounts of acidity, and a nice mouth feel to it..

The price was around $10. Not an expensive wine, but still very charismatic and able to hold its own, and is worth its given price.

                                                                Overall review of the wine
This wine is wonderful if you enjoy a nice smack to the mouth via tannin. It has wonderful body, flavor, and is defiantly worth $10. It pairs very well with Italian red sauce, and would go well with any hearty red meat dishes. If you have a chance to drink it and you're a fan of heavy, meaty red wines then you will not be disappointed.

This wine was clarified using eggs whites and is there for  unsuitable for Vegans and Vegetarians.

Notes from my God Parents;
"It tastes like that really good communion wine."
"It's a pleasant punch to the mouth."

Thursday, August 7, 2014

I'm a winer.

I decided to start this blog due to the ever increasingly high demand for wine and alcohol recommendations. SO here goes. Every time I consume some sort of beverages, food substance, or find interesting products relating to wine I'll do my best to blog and post a pick or something along those lines.

So to start things off I'm going to recommend a product that I don't have but that I think is amazing and is really great to have around. The Corkcicle Air. Lemme' explain, what this product is, is an ice pack that is designed in the shape of an icicle. So instead of using a bucket of ice or coozy you simply put this in your bottle of wine to keep it cold. There are a million different kinds of Corkcicles, stainless steal, colored, all sorts of things. The novelty of this product is that it aerates your wine and keeps it chilled at the same time, now I'm not saying this is the be all and end all of this type of product, but, I am saying that if you're having a BBQ and white wine then this is an easier, and more elegant way of chilling wine that with a big bucket of ice or coozy. So if you wanted a simple to use product that is useful, tasteful, and all around a great gift idea for people who enjoyed wines that are meant to be chilled this would totally be an awesome idea!